Calamatta Cuschieri embarked on a Green Campaign starting last February, with a project aimed at reducing paper usage within the Group’s offices, as well as the number of post clients receive, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility programme for 2021.
In collaboration with the CC Foundation, the Green Campaign seeks to incentivise clients to switch to paperless communication. Current clients are invited to provide their email addresses and in turn, the CC Foundation will plant a tree on clients’ behalf.
Furthermore, those clients will then be eligible to participate in a draw with the chance of winning an eco-friendly prize.
Gabie Calamatta, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, is aiming for a further 3,000 clients to opt for email communication over paper communication. “This will reduce paper consumption significantly within the company with the added benefit of helping NGOs, such as ACT and projects like the Grow 10 Trees Environmental Group run, which aim to plant thousands of native trees on behalf of participating clients,” she says, adding that “hopefully, the exercise will also raise awareness that all company communications, including notifications of new products and special promotions, can be done electronically.”
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Calamatta Cuschieri
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