Whilst attending the annual Foundation for Human Resources Development (FHRD) Conference, currently being held in Malta, Kane Solutions Group Head of HR Desiree Cordina shared a humorous photo showing the first keynote speaker of the day, Johan Driessens, addressing the audience in a superman costume.
Mr Driessens is the Owner and CEO of tHRibe.World, an employer branding agency based in Belgium. He is currently in Malta attending the annual FHRD Conference held on 21st October at the Hilton Hotel in St. Julian’s.
When it comes to public speaking in the business world, many top-level executives and experienced speakers try their utmost to capture their audience’s attention, and Mr Driessens has certainly succeeded.
Ms Cordina goes on to explain how Mr Driessens managed to get “500 delegates to rock their air guitar to heavy metal music” making this “the best start to a conference I’ve ever experienced.”
For Ms Cordina, the key take-away from this morning’s stunt is not to take yourself too seriously, a message that many could benefit from.
Featured Image:
Desiree Cordina / LinkedIn
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