On Friday (today), Malta Air Traffic Services (MATS) COO Robert Sant highlighted the entity’s latest achievement, as it set a new flight monitoring record.
He noted that the constant monitoring of traffic reaped excellent results. “The entity’s goal was to reach 500 flights a day. I am not only proud that we reached that milestone but also established a new record for MATS,” Mr Sant said.
The record was set on Sunday 23rd June with 539 flights monitored, exceeding the 500 flights-per-day goal.
This was announced during a visit by the Minister for Transport Chris Bonett.
MATS Ltd is a registered limited liability company that provides Air Navigation Services.
It is the only entity in Malta that is responsible for the provision of air traffic navigation services and air traffic management for both landing and take-off of aircraft from Malta International Airport and any aircraft passing through the Malta Flight Information Region (FIR).
The FIR, which includes a large area of the Mediterranean is influenced by geopolitical factors that impact the volume of air traffic.
This year, MATS marked an increase in flights within this zone with 28th July being the busiest day with a total of 315 movements. This represents a three per cent increase when compared to the previous year.
During the visit, Minister Bonett thanked the team at MATS for the dedication and professionalism in managing the increase in air traffic, especially during the peak period.
“This success not only reflects the efforts of the team but also strengthens Malta’s position as a key player in the region’s aviation sector,” he concluded.
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