Amanda Xuereb

Gone are the days of the door-to-door salesman, says Amanda Xuereb, Founder of Beauty Trill and Chief Business Development Officer at Toly Products. Times have changed, and so has the way we sell.

Delivering a crash course in ‘how to sell in 2021’ on a recent social media post, Ms Xuereb believes that the age of the hard sell is over, and today, “people do not buy from companies but from the people behind them.”

Describing customers’ need for a business’ values to align with their own, she says that now more than ever, potential customers must feel that a company’s social purpose is one they can get behind, affirming that “the human connection between customer and brand is clear.”

This translates into selling practices, which Ms Xuereb explains is not just about selling a product, but much more. Advocating for the fostering of genuine relationships with potential customers – be it in person or online – she outlines some of her main dos and don’ts:

  • Do not sell for the sake of selling.
  • Make sure you are helping the person you have in front of you.
  • If the product you have is not ideal for them be clear, tell them and redirect them to where they will find what they need. I can assure you this client will definitely come back once he/she needs what you have to offer.

Finally, “for everything and always: quality over quantity,” she concludes.

Featured Image:

Daryl Cauchi


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