Summer is flying by, but August often brings a slower pace as many companies take time off during this month.
In Italy this is referred to as Ferragosto, which coincides with Santa Marija week, this year conveniently aligning itself on a Thursday.
With most employees out of the office, careful planning and organisation are essential to ensure a smooth transition into and out of the shutdown period.
Here is how to prepare your business for the much anticipated August shut down:
1 ) Communicating and ironing out details
Communicating both with clients and employees is key to make any shutdown period a success.
First and foremost, issuing dates in advance of when the company will be on shutdown is of utmost importance.
For those employees with strict deadlines, clear communication of shut down dates allows them to adjust their schedules and meet their goals.
Informing the public and clients about shutdown periods can be done through the company website, newsletter or even simply including it in the email signature for an added reminder.
The same applies to automated responses. While taking time off from replying to messages and emails is important for employee wellbeing, maintaining communication with current or prospective clients upholds professionalism, ensures continuity, and strengthens the relationship between business and client.
Furthermore, leaders should also communicate with both clients and employees in advance to set expectations about what needs to be finalised before taking time off. Whether it’s pitching an idea, sending out an invoice or setting up a meeting, scheduling well in advance can reduce last-minute panic.
2 ) Turning off unnecessary devices and equipment
Protecting data and hardware should always be a priority, however when all employees are out of office simultaneously this becomes more pertinent.
Before logging off for the week, effort should be made to ensure that the company has the necessary systems in place to be backed up. Additionally, any unnecessary devices and equipment should be switched off to prevent overheating and in the event of power cuts.
Cybersecurity checks should also be part of the process while also implementing measures to give more peace of mind. Leaders should ensure that employees are making use of a Virtual Protected Network (VPN) if they are accessing emails remotely to protect sensitive company data.
3 ) Preparing a shutdown checklist
Despite meticulous planning, unexpected events and last-minute surprises at the office can still occur.
With many tasks to wrap up before leaving the office for a week, it’s easy to overlook something. Implementing a shutdown checklist helps eliminate the risk of forgetting important details.
Reviewing this list with employees ensures clarity and provides them with the opportunity to ask questions, fostering a more efficient and prepared team.
4 ) Scheduling disruptive office tasks
Shut down period can be an excellent time to schedule yearly maintenance work at the office.
Whether it’s painting the walls, conducting a thorough cleaning, or fixing the air conditioning, these tasks are best scheduled when employees are out of office to minimise disruption during important working hours.
5 ) Post-shutdown feedback
Easing back to work after a whole week off, especially in a fast-paced environment, can be challenging. A quick chat on Monday morning can transform the dreaded post-holiday blues into motivation.
Asking employees and colleagues about their activities and how they de-stressed shows interest in themselves as individuals, beyond the office walls.
Additionally, discussing the build-up to the shutdown can help facilitate a smoother process for next year’s shutdown period.
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