VBL Group announced that it is leasing out another one of its properties in Strait Street, Valletta, to give way to the opening of a commercial outlet – a bar called ‘Mae West’.
The bar is situated in Strait Street’s ‘The Gut’ area.
The Group said that the newly regenerated unit is set to deliver substantial revenues, allowing VBL to continue recording strong financial results.
“The catering industry has taken a worldwide knock during the COVID-19 pandemic,” VBL Chairman Andrei Imbroll said.
“The launch of the Mae West is a true testament to the strength of the Valletta product and what VBL has managed to achieve with the regeneration of The Gut,” Dr Imbroll continued.
Mae West’s opening allows The Gut, located at the lower end of Strait Street, to continue to establish itself as Valletta’s nightlife district.
The newly opened bar promises to capture the essence of the 1930s, all whilst delivering a night out to remember.
“Strait Street is back maybe stronger than ever. It’s a super exciting time for The Gut,” VBL Head of Development Stephen Clough said.
“In the words of Mae West, ‘too much of a good thing can be wonderful’,” he concluded.
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She has ample experience in the financial industry, especially in leadership roles.
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The bank extended its gratitude and appreciation for his service.